


Stitched (A Place Between)

We have been taught to see, hear and feel in an environment that seduces us to conform. This system, has brought about a separation between humans, were distinction and hierarchy are key to life. I am trying to reconnect to others through emotional contagion, while reminding people that trauma to the body and skin is a universal sensation. The precipice of social change is occurring, and my hope is for the falling action to conclude in solidarity.


Equanimity and Speculum

Keeping calm even when facing



Binding Words That CementMe Here 

Ribbons hanging from the ceiling falling to the floor decorated in warm colors, speak the words I wish to say out loud. The ceramic mouths hold a thought. The reflections of my mind. What comes across it in the moment of pause. The mouth, the important physical part that allows the words to be breathed out and released to the world. I have held my words back for so long.

Breath out, lift up and release the built-up tension.  



​From the dust we arose and transformed into beings. Life swelled into us with a might gust of air and with our first breaths we emerged.  



Studies of my Inner Selves and the People Who Guide Me. 

Displaying emotions and carrying my totems in the physical world. 


Chants 1:1

Created from the voices breathing as one, slowly releasing a single breath.  As the melody fills the air and stirs the breath. The melodies fuse, merging together with the possibility of becoming...

jessica​ Cherry